Health | Safety | Ergonomics

Ergonomics Videos

Educational ergonomic videos for office, working from home ergonomics videos, ergonomic stretches, ergonomic exercises

Educational Videos on Ergonomics and Workplace Health

Stretch and Flex with Emile

Emile Clarke, certified personal trainer and ergonomic specialist, leads participants through exercises focused on specifically targeting body areas vulnerable to prolonged sitting and intensive computer use. Using counterbalance exercises and stretches, you will learn how to improve posture, reduce muscle tightness, and increase energy for the workday ahead, or as part of a mid-day break.

3 Minute Office Ergo Moves

Simple and effective exercises for all abilities. Ergo Moves target common aches and pains from computer use and the sedentary habits of working from home. Take 3 minutes!

WFH Stretch & Flex with Cindy

Are you suffering from WFH fatigue? Certified Pilates Instructor and Occupational Therapist guides you through safe and effective movement exercises, designed for the WFH computer user.

Functional Movement with Hip Hinging

Bending at your hips, not your back encourages flexibility while protecting your back from injury.

Ergo Moves

Feeling pain or discomfort from too much typing and computer usage? Try using these brief stretches throughout the day to counter the negative effects of long hours spent on the computer.

WFH Hack: $2 DIY Laptop Stand

Make your own laptop stand in 15 minutes for under $2. Alex Boniske, 9th grader from Asheville, shares his practical DIY solution for virtual students or anyone working from home.

What is a Virtual Ergonomic Assessment?

Are you experiencing pain or discomfort from your computer workstation or adjusting to a new work-from-home situation? Consider a live virtual ergonomic assessment conducted remotely with a certified ergonomic specialist.

Working From Home Ergonomics Webinar

A comprehensive 20-minute webinar on achieving a more comfortable fit with your home work-space through an ergonomic approach. Presented by Dr. Nikki Weiner, co-founder and lead ergonomic specialist here at The Rising Workplace.