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Regular postings on ergonomics, injury prevention, and employee engagement.

Are You Satisfied...or Engaged?

Workplace Engagement vs. Workplace Satisfaction

Having an organization of satisfied employees is great, but it takes more than satisfied employees to grow a strong and healthy organization. Extending beyond the realm of workplace satisfaction exists WORKPLACE ENGAGEMENT, and satisfied employees do not necessary equal engaged employees.

Well, what’s the difference? Here’s a brief explanation of the two concepts as they relate to each other:

    Workplace satisfaction is simply how content or satisfied employees are with their jobs at the most basic level and involves transactional processes (such as salary and benefits).  Workplace satisfaction covers core needs of employees but often falls short of what really matters, like the fueling of passion, effort, and commitment that comes with workplace engagement. Satisfaction with work may be an entry point for workplace engagement, but does not necessarily equate to workplace engagement.

    Workplace engagement is referred to as involvement and investment in the work beyond the minimum or surface-level aspects that retain an employee. An individual can be satisfied with a workplace but not engaged in the workplace. Workplace engagement extends beyond with additional value to organizations, employees, and communities. Engagement in the workplace occurs regardless of its shortcomings for personal and professional development, needs, or desires. There is personal investment to the actual organization and its mission. Workplace engagement involves transformational facets (ex. growth), whereas workplace satisfaction is about the transactional processes (ex. payment for work). 

OMH Solutions can assist your organization in measuring and understanding your employees’ satisfaction and engagement as a part of your comprehensive wellness profile.

Contact us today for more information:

Eldor L. Work engagement toward a general theoretical enriching model. 2016; 15(3): 317-339. doi: 10.1177/1534484316655666.
Zopiatis, A., Constanti, P. and Theocharous, A.L., 2014. Job involvement, commitment, satisfaction and turnover: Evidence from hotel employees in Cyprus. Tourism Management, 41, pp.129-140.