Health | Safety | Ergonomics


Regular postings on ergonomics, injury prevention, and employee engagement.

Avoiding Holiday Back Pain

Holidays are joyful, full of magic and lights, gatherings, and special moments. It is a very busy time putting up decorations, toting bags and boxes, wrapping gifts, and making meals. While rushing about, we sometimes can put health and safety on the back burner, resulting in sudden aches and pains that can make us feel more like Scrooge than Santa!

To help you keep your health and body mechanics top of mind, The Rising Workplace has some wonderful tips to help you avoid holiday back pain.

  • When carrying items like boxes, groceries, or trays, keep your upper arms close to your sides, shoulders relaxed, elbows at a 90-degree angle, and wrists straight. Use handles for carrying, if possible.

  • Keep heavy packages close to the middle of your body. Consider placing a bench on your porch for package deliveries, so you don’t have to lift them from ground level. Use dollies or lift assists for large and heavy items, or always ask for help if you are unsure the weight of a large package.

  • Use your legs and hips instead of bending your back when picking up boxes and other objects. Work on programming the ‘hip hinge’ as a habit, knowing that you bend over countless times during the day and likely even more during the holiday season.

  • Take a moment to get a step stool to reach for items over your head. If using a ladder to hang lights, ensure you are wearing safe and supportive footwear. If you have chronic health conditions that impair your mobility, balance, or arousal, delegate the task to a friend or family member.

  • Instead of twisting at your back while carrying groceries, platters, or presents, turn or pivot at your feet. Carrying a load already places stress on the spinal discs, and when you twist while holding onto a heavy object, you are multiplying your risk.

  • When you are seated and at rest, maintain back support by using a small pillow, rolled towel, or supportive chair. You’ll be more likely to maintain better posture with support.

Taking a moment to slow down and make sure you are using the proper techniques can save your back and your holiday season! From all of us at The Rising Workplace, may you have a joyous and fun-filled holiday!

Unsure of what to give the health-minded person who has it all? Give the gift of ergonomics this holiday season with a gift certificate from The Rising Workplace! 828-214-7827 or

David WeinerComment